Archbishop Naameh Ordains Rev. Tonye To The Priesthood
Story By: Francis E. Monnie, Camp-G
The Most Rev. Philip Naameh, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale and President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference, has ordained Reverend Paschal Tonye, a Deacon, to the priesthood for his Archdiocese.
The Most Rev. Peter Paul Angkyier, Bishop of Diocese of Damongo and twenty-nine Priests including Very Rev. Fr. Matthew Yitiereh, Vicar General of Tamale, Rectors and Formation Staff from the St. Victor’s and St. Augustine Millennium Major Seminaries, among others, concelebrated the Mass attended by a limited number of worshipers representing some Religious Congregations, Seminarians, Church Societies, as well as invited guests and the family of the newly ordained due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 protocol.
Archbishop Naameh who presided over the ordination Mass which was celebrated at the Our Lady of Annunciation Cathedral in Tamale, on August 15, 2020, appealed to senior Priests to support the younger ones who are being ordained to the Priesthood.
“My Brother Priests, let us support the young Priests who are being ordained with the life of holiness, with the life of representing Christ to the poor and weak, and informing them about the extent of Jesus’ power which He has handed to us, weak and simple people”, he told the concelebrating Priests in his homily.
The Archbishop stated, “As St. Paul has always told us, Adam and Eve fell and with that all of us, but there is a new Adam and a new Eve, that is, Jesus Christ and His mother, both of whom were concerned only about the will of God and through their prayers and dedication, fought hard till the end that only God’s will, will be done and not their own will, which very often he noted is very contaminated by the wishes of the devil”.
“Since the Priesthood is a weapon against the dragon, the symbol of evil and death (Rev. 12:1-6a, 10a), the Priest ensures that the dragon will always be defeated”, he stressed.
He also appealed to the faithful of his Archdiocese thus, “I would like to ask you to continue to pray for your priests and support them so that their lives will represent that shining example of Jesus who never compromised doing any other will than the will of His father”.
Praising the parents of the newly ordained priest, “As a prayerful couple” and for offering their son in service of the Church, the Archbishop also called on them to intensify their prayers for their son just as Mary did adding, “The Priest remains a great treasure to humanity, not only to Catholics, but to the whole of humanity because they represent Christ who is needed by the world for their salvation and salvation of others”.
In furtherance of this call, the Chief Shepherd of the Archdiocese of Tamale recalled that Mary was the only disciple who followed Jesus. “She followed Him in everything, beginning with the flight to Egypt, in order to protect Him, then back to Nazareth where He grew up, she also accompanied and took Him to Jerusalem and before and during His trail, and in His ministry, she always in an unnoticeable way, accompanied Him”, he stated.
As the day coincided with the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Archbishop said her Assumption into heaven speaks to us about our future at the end of our life here on earth, assuring, “we too, would stand next to the Lord”, adding, “Mary’s magnificat can rightly become our song, the song of all humanity as it sees the Lord bend down to touch men and women, humble creations that they are, and take them to heaven as the Son did with His mother”.
He concluded his homily saying, “We cannot overlook the very deep and intimate connection between Mary’s Assumption and the institution of the Priesthood”. He added that, “Jesus ensured that His presence will be an eternal presence here on earth because as St. Paul’s tells us, “Through one man, Adam, the whole of humanity fell, and therefore through one man, Jesus Christ, salvation shall be the lot of all those who have faith in Him”.
The Archbishop gave the newly ordained priest an amount of GH¢1,000.00. Some individuals and groups also gave him gifts while his family similarly presented the Archbishop with gifts in appreciation of the fatherly care he gave to their son during his formation.
Rev. Fr. Daniel Fuseini Saaka, Vice Rector of St. Victor’ Major Seminary, had earlier presented the ordinandus to the Archbishop, having testified to his worthiness for ordination.
Rev. Fr. Tonye thanked the Bishops, his parents, Rectors and Formation Staff, Priests, benefactors, parishes, Ordination Planning Committee, Societies, and all who in diverse ways support him during his formation and ordination.
The newly ordained priest who is a trained teacher, hails from Fielmuo in the Wa Diocese. He began his journey to the priesthood at the St. Michael’s Major Seminary at Kaleo in 2011, where they studied spirituality for one year. Having successfully completed his philosophy and theology studies at the St. Augustine Millennium and St. Victor’s Major Seminaries in Tamale, he had his pastoral experience at the Our Lady of Fatima Parish at Salaga, prior to being ordained Deacon with sixteen of his class mates on 23d November, 2019.
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