
Yisa Ma Mariama Parish, Savelugu

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Catholic Mission Savelugu, Savelugu, Ghana, Ghana 0233

Yisa Ma Mariama Parish is situated in Savelugu town which is about 24km from Tamale the Capital City of the Northern Region. It is roughly 3 km from Savelugu Town centre. It is along the road to Nanton District near Shebu Industries. The parishioners of Yisa Ma Mariama Parish are mostly civil servants and students who just stay for some time and leave. There are very, very few parishioners who have settled in the area.   

 Brief History of Yisa Ma Mariam Parish

Yisa Mariama Parish was one of the out-stations of the Holy Cross Parish together with, Diare, Zongchang  Malugunaile and Pong-Tamale. Of all these outstations, Pong-Tamale was the oldest outstation which began to exist around 1930s. The Missionary priests of the Society of Missionaries of Africa (white fathers), Fr. Olivier and his fellow priests, came to live in Pong-Tamale around 1990s in order to be celebrating Mass to all the outstations. However, they did not make Pong-Tamale a parish, Fr. Olivier and the other Priests decided that Savelugu was a suitable place for setting up the Parish since it was a big growing town and the dwelling place of the Dagomba Chief. So Father Olivier and his fellow priests moved to Savelugu and founded the parish in 1999 which was given the Dagbane name called Yisa Ma Mariama which means Mary mother of Jesus. All the outstations which were under the Holy Cross Parish came under Yisa Ma Mariama Parish. The outstations are:

 (i) Pong-Tamale which is about 9 km from Yisa Ma Mariama Parish. It is situated along Tamale-Bolgatanga road.

 (ii) Maligunaayili which is about 28 km from Savelugu, it is situated along the road to Karaga town.

(iii) Diare is 37 km from the parish; it is situated along the road to Bolgatanga.    

(iv) Zonchengni which is near the White Volta River, northwest of Savelugu.

Church Address:

Yisa Ma Mariama Parish

P.O. Box SV 42

Savelugu N.R

Church Contacts: +233504882089




Location on Map (Ghana Post GPS): NU 0045-0168

The Curate (priest):  Fr. Christopher Nkandu

Yisa Ma Mariama Prayer and Mass schedules:

Lauds at 06:45 am then Mass at 07:00 am from Monday to Thursday and Saturday in a chapel.  

Friday evening Mass at 5:00 pm in the church

Sunday Mass at 8: 00 am

Contact Information
Phone: 0372 XXXXXX

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